Monday, July 9, 2012

Track #1 - A Little Piece

Okay. So here is the thing. I will post one song everyday along with some piece of random crap I keep rambling. Starting from today, we share music. This will go on till the 18th or 19th of July, depending on when I go back to college.

The new playlist starts.

Monday. The 9th of June. And I am happy.

Now the following song was told to me by a friend. And I fell in love with it the first time I listened to it. The Jezabels are a group of amazing musicians from Sydney, Australia. This track is #1 on my Monsoon playlist. Also, the tracks on the playlist are in a random order.

Genre: Alternative / Indie.
Title: A Little Piece
Artist: The Jezabels

Look at me, through the sea, I'm in love, hold me tight, There you got it. And did you find, that you like, 
A little piece, of cherry pie, Hot from the oven.
You know what I love about music?? It allows you to teleport and at the same time traverse through dimensions. 
Lots of Love.


Kshipra said...

it sure sounds like the cranberries though.

Shruti said...

It does? I am gonna listen to Cranberries and tell you :P