Monday, November 11, 2013

Air and Light and Time and Space

Have I ever told you that I absolutely adore comic strips? Well...allow me to share one of my favorites. Gavin Aung Than is one creative smartass. He makes famous words by famous people look more attractive. No, he is not paying me to advertise for him, but I like to share works of amazing people.

Read it in full screen, or better click here.

Posting this because I do not have anything else to write/share. Life is snail-paced, and mundane. And people have been disappointing. 



Soumya said...

Ahhh this was awesome. Very true na?

Okaybye. :D

Vinati said...

Bukowski's thoughts in a comic! :)


P.S: It reminds me of happy school days.. xD

Shruti said...


He does justice to the name Zen Pencils =)

OkayBye :D