Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oh Floyd!

I really want to know how it must have felt listening to the guitar intro of Wish You Were Here back in the 60's on an old radio. That trip would be of another level altogether. That old radio. That original, rustic sound. My mind boggles at the very thought of it. Whiling away time in your room with a good book in your hand on an October evening and listening to that guitar intro fading into Gilmour's voice!! Sigh!


This part of the year is so refreshing. You can smell the sweetness of winter approaching. Its just the right kind of weather. Its sunny and bright every morning. Its pleasant and chilly in the evening. Reminds me of the evenings Ruskin Bond always wrote about. I feel happy.


I think Marx, Freud, and Steve Jobs are the most genius men to have lived on this earth. I happened to watch Coldplay's performance of Fix You on Steve Jobs's after-funeral memorial at Apple Inc, CA. I was nearly in tears.
I am so  proud of my brother for being part of such an amazing enterprise...they actually change your life. They really do. Sometimes, by gadgets. Sometimes, by their ideas...that basic want of bringing people together.


Dentists are the worst of people. They say something and they do something else. They give you a lot of excruciating pain while calmly telling you that it will not pain "much". My dentist stabbed the roots of my tooth with metal sticks without informing me that there was an option of numbing the roots. Have you ever gotten stubbed by a cigarette? Its a pain worse than breaking a bone. My pain was worse than the cigarette burn.


Papon replied to one of my tweets. That absolutely made my day. Weekender next Saturday-Sunday. SO EXCITED. So many of my favorite people coming to perform Live!! Its amazing how music rules our life. Its just amazing. The Dewarists in a week. Indian Ocean in a week. Shafqat Amanat Ali in a week. So much love.


This one week is going to be etched in my memory for a long-long time. So much love in the air.
And that's about it. I still have two term papers to finish.


My favorite lines from Floyd's number:

We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
And how we found
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.


Lots of love.


Kshipra said...

Floyd's wish you were here is a genius. I happened to attend this band called House of Floyd last month or so, which only preforms Pink Floyd numbers, and when they played "Wish You Were Here" LIVE, i had Goosebumps all over my skin, and tears flooding my eyes....So I was just thinking, how it must be back in the 60's...How Euphoric it might have been to be a teenager during those revolutionary times.

Also the weather is amazing these days. Its the perfect fall in love weather. :)

Also, music does rule our lives in a strange way. I have a background song to every memory almost....
And these days the soundtrack to my life would be "Thankyou- Dido". A call can change your day amidst all the tension of the world? :)

And have a blast at the Weekender =)

Kshipra said...

Also hi5 on Freud, Marx and Jobs.
Though I am not a supporter of Marx, or a fan of Apple, but you have to hand it to these men, for their genius. :)

Shruti said...

I should track down House of Floyd then. A call does change your day. I absolutely love how even one text message fom a long lost friend makes your day.

Hi5 :)